Seasonal Membership

Each fall, donors of the Hickory Choral Society have the opportunity to donate at or above designated membership level amounts to secure benefits, such as -

  • reserved and preferred seating at the Christmas, Spring, and Fall concerts
  • reserved and preferred parking at select concerts
  • invitation-only events
  • complimentary refreshments and merchandise

Event Underwriting

In addition to Seasonal Membership, the Hickory Choral Society also extends benefits to businesses and individuals who give at or above designated amounts to underwrite our concerts and events.

In addition to the above Membership benefits, Underwriters receive -

  • additional reserved and preferred seating
  • a full page color ad in our seasonal program book
  • acknowledgement as an Underwriter in all publicity for the designated concert or event

Endowments & Designated Giving

- coming soon -

Advertise With Us

 - coming soon -