January 2021 Newsletter
Thank You
HCS singers, staff and Board of Directors thank you, our contributing members, for your support of our annual membership campaign. We have reached sixty six percent of our goal, which is amazing considering this difficult time of pandemic and are overwhelmed by your generosity. You may still make your annual membership and help us again our goal by going to our website hickorychoralsociety.organd click on the DONATE bu&on on the menu bar. Or you may mail your donaon to Hickory Choral Society 243 3rd Avenue, NE, Suite 2-N, Hickory, NC 28601
Upcoming Spring Concerts
Early Spring Mini Concert Sunday, March 21st – 3:00 PM
Join us online for the premiere of Joshua Shank’s “Alleluia (from quarantine)”. Composer Joshua Shank and artistic director Ryan Luhrs will be on hand to introduce and discuss the 11-minute work prior to its performance. Even though we can’t gather in person, we are excited to share this brand-new composition that seeks to express both the sadness and gratitude experienced by many during the past year.
Late Spring Mini Concert Sunday, May 9th – 3:00 PM
Music of Renewal
Start planning your watch parties now!
HCS Honored with Community Award
The Community Relations Council of the City of Hickory honored the Hickory Choral Society on December 14, 2020 with the 2020 Human Relations Award. The committee cited our fall concert and the premiere of “Undivided” as an outstanding example of how our organization endeavors to contribute to and impact our community.

Their website explains, “The annual Human Relations Awards are designed to recognize any individual, youth, or organization/business that has gone above and beyond in promoting good human relations in the City of Hickory. ‘We are fortunate to live in a community where there are so many individuals and organizations making a positive difference,’ said Mandy Pitts Hildebrand, Chair of the CRC.

HCS Golf Classic
You can sign up for the HCS Golf Classic and learn more about this event at https://hickorychoralsociety.org/golf-classic/